Back right at the end of another Wild Weekend, after a week-long hiatus caused both by a short trip abroad and some quite irritating computer problems. My router had re-programmed itself all on its own for some reason, and it took a while to get it to function again. But finally, here´s edition # 22, and once more the shuffle function of my iPod decided what goodies you´re going to enjoy. I know it's all been done before, and it's all been written in the book, but let´s carry on regardless, before the waters of oblivion come rushing in.
First up is Polly Jean Harvey, with a menacing plea from To Bring You My Love, her excellent third album. "Come home to your son, tomorrow might never come..." If I were Billy, I´d come running. Time to say hello to Valery and Vivien now, who in real life were the wives of poet TS Eliot btw. One of my fave tracks from the Basement Tapes. It´s about time all existing tracks from these intimate Woodstock sessions, false starts and all, were released properly. A new Bootleg Series installment perhaps Bob? And now that we´re at it, how´s Chronicles pt. 2 coming along?
PJ Harvey - C´mon Billy MP3
Bob Dylan & The Band - Too Much Of Nothing MP3
J.A. Caesar was certainly one of the weirdest exponents of the Japrock genre. His piece de resistance was the Kokkyou Junreika album from ´73, which you really should track down somewhere. An aural trip if there ever was one. Here´s a fine taster. More weirdness, in krautrock disguise this time, comes courtesy of Faust. These adventurers from the tiny town of Wumme really were years ahead of their time. "Who is satisfied? Who wouldn't sell his mind?
Who can really say?" Indeed.
Who can really say?" Indeed.
J.A. Caesar - Haha Koishiya Sangoshou MP3
Faust - It´s A Bit Of A Pain MP3
Soul scorcher anyone? Try Mable John and an intense adulterers ballad from ´67 called Same Time Same Place. From the Stax stable of course. These understated horns and that swirling organ get the job done majestically. And we´ll conclude this Wild Weekend with a short but sweet ditty by Gumball, that fine early nineties noisy pop trio led by Don Fleming of B.A.L.L. fame. Hasta la proxima!
Mable John - Same Time Same Place MP3
Gumball - This Town MP3
J.A. Caeser is also (and more popularly) known as J.A. Seazer.
Caeser, Caesar, Seazer ....no matter the nom de plume, er, disque , he rocks! Thank you.
PS - see The B-Side blog for the b-side to the Mable John, it's killer.
Merci Holly. Killer´s the word.
Thanks. I was hoping you'd keep up your remarkable run of reggae tracks this time around. But a soul scorcher's as good as a dub.
More reggae & dub soon come Ed.
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