Friday, December 5, 2008


You don´t receive a nice popsong in the mail that often, but I just got lucky. Antiqcool has already released two albums in the past, but I have to admit this British collective from Chester was not on my radar until now. Yesterday night, I played their Already Late two times, liked it, and promptly forgot all about it. Until I found myself humming its gorgeous melody in the shower this morning... Surely a good sign?

What do you think, dear reader? Top or flop? Hit or miss? I´d really like to increase the interaction a bit here, so go ahead and click that comments button below why don´t you...

Antiqcool - Already Late MP3


dks said...

It's a top and a hit. Catchy as the common cold. A true Ear Worm. I can not get it out of my head now. Thanks!

Ramone666 said...

Coming from an overly critical crabby bitch, that´s saying a lot. Thanks for your comment! Keep them coming folks...

DaViDz said...

When the song started, I thought it was just OK, nothing special. By about 2 minutes in, I was hooked.

Many thanks!

Ramone666 said...

Thanks for your comment DaViDz! Looks like we´ve got a hit here...

Eclecticity said...

Very much liked. I am now the proud owner of both their records via amazon this morning.

Two thumbs up.


Ramone666 said...

Great stuff Eclecticity! And more proof that music blogging helps to sell records...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your comments folks...I think I speak for most independant artists when I say It really means a lot when all the hard work is appreciated by total strangers....We Don't believe in hype or payola but these comments....well money just can't buy.

Pete Antiqcool

Ps...for the guy who bought the 2 CD's sorry about the poor production....done on a shoestring, please get in touch and I will snail you the next CD as a freebie.

ib said...

Very nice, indeed. Peculiarly reminiscent of Paul Simon, some of whose stuff I am actually quite of. Nice guitar, too.

Ramone666 said...

Glad you like it Ib. Paul Simon´s a good reference point indeed. I must admit I didn´t think of the man here. My fault... as I´m sure these guys dig him as well.