And we´re off, with those blokes you can trust. "It was smaller than a cow, it was bigger than a cat..." Yup, the Cosmic Psychos are here, tackling a typically Australian phenomenon: a dead roo. Which is followed by the exquisite pairing of John Coltrane on tenor sax and Don Cherry on trumpet, performing the lovely Cherryco from their 1960 collaboration The Avant-Garde.
Cosmic Psychos - Dead Roo MP3
John Coltrane & Don Cherry - Cherryco MP3
Sixties garagepunks The Denims ask themselves that age-old question: "Why baby why?" Find it on Volume 7 of the still amazing Pebbles series and leave reality behind. When I first heard Hestia some fifteen years ago, I saw Katell Keineg as the missing link between Joni Mitchell and PJ Harvey, and predicted fortune and fame. Nostradamus I´m not then. Oh well. It´s still a great song.
The Denims - White Ship MP3
Katell Keineg - Hestia MP3
Which brings us to Chester Burnett, better known as Howlin´ Wolf, portraying ´the troublingest woo-hoo-woman´ that he´s ever seen. A giant of a man, a giant of a singer. Howl awhile. And last but not least there´s ole Shane and the Pogues. I lived close to the Shannon river myself for quite a spell, and it´s broad and majestic indeed. "I sat for a while by the gap in the wall, found a rusty tin can and an old hurley ball, heard the cards being dealt, and the rosary called, and a fiddle playing Sean Dun Na Ngall..." Good memories.
Howlin´ Wolf - I Asked For Water (She Gave Me Gasoline) MP3
The Pogues - The Broad Majestic Shannon MP3
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