While searching for something appropriate for the last post of 2007 I stumbled upon this little gem. The Heartbeats were undoubtedly one of the finest outfits in doo-wop. Lead by James ´Shep´ Sheppard this New York group enjoyed a string of hits in the late fifties, of which A Thousand Miles Away is probably the most famous. In the next decennium Shep formed a new combo called Shep & The Limelights, and scored quite a big hit with the lovely Daddy´s Home, a somewhat belated sequel to Thousand Miles Away. You can find all their hits and more on The Best Of The Heartbeats Including Shep And The Limelights (Rhino Records). Shep met his tragic end when he was murdered in a robbery in January 1970, aged only 34. But back in December ´57 he had a ball. On new year´s eve.
The Heartbeats - After New Year´s Eve MP3