A little something for everybody once again, my droogs, as we´re putting edition #20 of Wild Weekend to bed. The iPod threw the I Ching and six wise choices were made indeed. After all: "He who possesses the source of enthusiasm will achieve great things. Doubt not. You will gather friends around you as a hair clasp gathers the hair."
Let´s get the ball rolling with a fine Dylan circa Blonde On Blonde imitation by Mouse & the Traps. Find this nugget on Nuggets, Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968, that landmark garage rock collection so lovingly and expertly compiled by Lenny Kaye of the Patti Smith Group fame. I´m serious: if you don´t own Nuggets you simply haven´t lived. Next up is something completely different: some jazzy neo-blues by the Workdogs. Tell me how it was back in the days one more time please, guys...
Mouse & The Traps - A Public Execution MP3
Workdogs - Back In The Days MP3
Time for some pukka jazz now, with the masterful Lee Konitz and a track from his impressive ´61 album Motion. Take an alto, a bass and a drum kit, add the Cole Porter standard You´d Be So Nice To Come Home To and you´ve got over ten minutes of bliss. Meanwhile down in Nashville, ole Hank is having woman trouble again. "You give away your kisses but you never give your heart, to anyone who´s fool enough to fall..."
Lee Konitz - You´d Be So Nice To Come Home To MP3
Hank Williams - Window Shopping MP3
And from the Kim Fowley produced Original Modern Lovers sessions, here´s the man they call Jonathan, no stranger to these pages. "Your face says sex when you smile dear, it's written in huge suburban letters... and the letters say ´tenderness´... and to me it all says ´sex´... and dance with me..." Genius. Didn´t even know I had any U.S. Saucer tracks on my iPod, so talk about surprises. Hold On Dear Brother sounds a bit like Bonnie Prince Billy fronting Crazy Horse. And that´s not a bad thing at all, droogs. See ya next week, and don´t forget to have a wild one.
Modern Lovers - Dance With Me MP3
U.S. Saucer - Hold On Dear Brother MP3
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