Wild Weekend, edition 21. The iPod shuffle picked a varied bunch of high society tunes once again, and all you gotta do is check ´em out. Surprises await... And easy does it.
We´ll start off with the sound of angry LA. "So you marry your daddy, with a different name..." That´s John Doe and Exene singing, from a still amazing debut record called Los Angeles. Came out thirty years ago already... Time sure flies, kids. Some thundering roots reggae follows, featuring the one and only Johnny Clarke. The Dreader Dread ´76-´78 compilation on the mighty Blood & Fire label is a must. Listen up you wrongdoers, better beware of the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah.
X - Sex And Dying In High Society MP3
Johnny Clarke - Fire And Brimstone A Go Burn The Wicked MP3
Let´s hear it for former Grin and future E Street Band guitarist Nils Lofgren now, saluting a Glimmer Twin always on the treshold of a rock & roll death. His no doubt heartfelt message to the Stones axeman sounds a wee bit selfish though: "Keith don´t go, don´t take my fun..." Drive meanwhile were a shortlived British power trio in the honoured noisepop tradition of the Mega City Four and Buffalo Tom, to name but a few. Go Out - Be Happy was their fine third single, which you can also find on their sole album Out Freakage (´92).
Nils Lofgren - Keith Don´t Go (Ode To The Glimmer Twin) MP3
Drive - Go Out - Be Happy MP3
In the mood for something a tad heavier still? Good. Mr. Doyle sits high on his hog, bringing the grungy sound of Seattle to the masses. It may sound strange to some younger readers out there, but when Tad first toured Europe, none other than Nirvana were the support act... And we´ll go out with a song my daughter can´t get enough of by one Tonino Carotone. I vaguely recall the guy had something to do with the Mano Negra clan. Sung in both Italian and Spanish, and namechecking the fair cities of Barcelona, Pamplona and Milano on the way, this is one infectuous ditty for sure.
Tad - High On The Hog MP3
Tonino Carotone - Pecatore MP3