You sure get lots of sun...
But I'm used to four seasons,
California's got but one."
Sometimes pleasant surprises come from an unexpected source. NCIS is some American tv series I´ve never heard of, but the freshly released soundtrack - NCIS: The Official TV Soundtrack Vol. 2. - brings us a brand new old Dylan song: California.
California´s more or less a blueprint for what would eventually become Outlaw Blues, and was recorded at the sessions for Dylan´s landmark album Bringing It All Back Home in January ´65. The song was in circulation among collectors already, and although I´m not completely sure I guess this is a cleaned-up version thereof.
Anyway, it´s always nice to have one more Dylan song to listen to, but California hardly is Bob´s holy grail. Back then, at the top of his game, he could write a song like this in his sleep. Makes sense that he traded it in for the far superior Outlaw Blues, keeping only the closing verse:
"I´ve got my dark sunglasses
And for good luck I´ve got my black tooth,
Don't ask me nothin' about nothin',
I just might tell you the truth..."
Bob Dylan - California MP3
Bob Dylan - Outlaw Blues MP3
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