Wednesday, May 1, 2019

She Went Away

"Lady Luck looks down on me with a frown..." First up: a bad-luck story if ever there was one from 1965 by Gene Savage, the 'only man alive without a horoscope'. Over the top sad. Meanwhile Billy Rufus, on a fine Hank-inspired honky tonker from '67, ain't exactly a happy camper either. Locked his keys in his house and stands out in the rain, and that's not even half of it. Find both on a most excellent compilation called The Beginning Of The End - The Existential Psychodrama In Country Music.

Gene Savage- I Started At The Bottom And Worked My Way On Down
Billy Rufus - Low Down Blues


  1. "Have you ever been so down with the blues, you had to reach up to tie your shoes..." great line from that Billy Rufus song. Will check out that album - thank you.

  2. I'm sure you'll like it, lots of tracks means lots of goodies.

  3. " The Existential Psychodrama In Country Music." How can I possibly resist acquiring this album????

  4. And that is a great Billy Rufus track,
