Monday, October 16, 2017

All Aboard

We're going on a trip, jazz cats. Its distict Indian flavour is delightful, and what's more, this musical journey features the mighty Pharoah Sanders on sax. Satchidananda, in case you were wondering, was a famous swami Trane's widow was following at the time on her road to enlightenment.

Alice Coltrane - Journey Into Satchidananda


  1. I purchased 'The Ecstatic Music Of Alice Coltrane' after you featured it on these very pages earlier this year and haven't regretted it for a instant. Mind bogglingly wonderful stuff.

  2. Wonderful, Ramone! I've also been a fan of Pharoah Sanders since 1969's 'Jewels of Thought.

  3. Never heard that one I'm afraid, will look for it asap. Thembi is my fave so far.
