The tenth edition of Wild Weekend already. Who knows where the time goes indeed, Sandy. But it´s on our side, right Irma? Here´s another six pack brought to you exclusively by that certain extraterrestrial who mans the shuffle function of my iPod. Phone home, dude. Time has come today.
And away we go with Kevn Kinney, better known as the frontman of Drivin N Cryin. I always had a weak spot for his first solo album MacDougal Blues (´90). The title song charmingly tells of his exploits to make it as a folk singer in the Big Apple. Back home all disillusioned in Omaha, he brags to his friends about meeting Dylan, hanging out with Joni Mitchell and having lunch with Carole King... "Have you heard about this house?" Hey look, there´s David Thomas with his merry Cleveland gang. Dub Housing is the successor to Ubu´s famous Modern Dance debut and it´s every inch as good. "The windows reverberate, the walls have ears, a thousand saxophone voices talk..." We know, David, we know.
Kevn Kinney - MacDougal Blues MP3
Pere Ubu - Dub Housing MP3
The obscure Monroe Moe Jackson was an extremely wild early blues singer who could shout and moan with the best of ´em. "Oh child, you´re killing me!" Find it on an interesting compilation called Gimme Dat Harp Boy, which shines a light on the roots of Captain Beefheart. Many more goodies there, as you can see here. After which we move all the way to the land of the rising sun, where the three lovely ladies of Shonen Knife are paraphrasing quite a few Beatles classics in one song. Rest assured: "You don´t need to be a walrus." Sayonara.
Monroe Moe Jackson - Go Away From My Door MP3
Shonen Knife - Lazybone MP3
I always thought the eponymous first Love album to be a bit underrated, as critics in hindsight usually compare it unfavourably to Arthur Lee´s later masterpiece Forever Changes and leave it at that. Love is a fine collection of songs in its own right though. Just listen to the very pretty A Message To Pretty - and check out that beautiful harp - to see what I mean. And look, we´ve already come to the end of this tenth edition of Wild Weekend with a track from Family. Remember them? An unjustly forgotten late-sixties psychedelic folky rock band from Britain, with ´electric goat´ Roger Chapman on vibrating vocals. Tell ´em, Chappo.
Love - A Message To Pretty MP3
Family - Hung Up Down MP3
Now try this, you might find it interesting (and tell Tony Maimone we said, "Hi.")
We refer to it as "Analog Music from a Lost World" — previously unreleased post-punk experimental rock from 1981, unlike anything else recorded before or after.
Jason Sigal, Managing Director at WFMU said:
"This is amazing stuff and we would be honored to feature it in wfmu's curated portal on the free music archive. I'm very sorry for our slow response, we have a lot of stuff to wade through to find gems like these."
Thanks Bill, will definitely check it out.
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