Allright... back with a vengeance (albeit on somewhat ancient equipment for the time being) and with a sign of life from the one and only Glenn Mercer. Once he was the leader of the mighty Feelies, the archetypical eighties cultband from Haledon, New Jersey. They never made it big commercially, but they had a huge impact on lots of new bands back then. R.E.M. or Yo La Tengo anyone? I bet you they listened to Crazy Rhythms and The Good Earth a lot... Most of my friends still get that faraway look in their eyes when the Feelies are mentioned. Gone, but certainly not forgotten.
After the demise of the Feelies Mercer played in a lot of different combos, most recently Wake Ooloo. A hiatus of four years followed, but now there's Wheels In Motion, his first ever solo effort (Pravda records). As he sings in In Real Time: "When it's time to tell the story, take your time and get it right". Well, I guess he did. A quality collection of well-crafted songs, Wheels In Motion has all the ingredients you would expect from a proper Feelies album.
Stop press: most Feelies albums are very hard to find on CD, but all four will luckily get a re-release later this year, so you can start saving up already. But be sure to pick up Wheels In Motion first ok?
Glenn Mercer - Two Rights MP3
Glenn Mercer - In Real Time MP3
Glenn Mercer - Two Rights MP3
Glenn Mercer - In Real Time MP3
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