Thursday, July 11, 2013

Long Long Time

Hypnotizing roots tune anyone? Here comes Johnny. Give thanks and praise please. Meanwhile, I'll be away for a few weeks, to a hot and sunny spot without any distracting wifi and stuff. Catch y'all later!

Johnny Clarke - No Lick No Cup

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Not A Protestant

The arch druid's been at it again, and thank Odin for that. "When I'm in a country where they worship the duck, I'm careful to never say duck worshippers suck..." Yeah, sure thing mate. The double disc Revolutionary Suicide proves once more that Saint Julian is one of the very few true originals left, and always a whimsical one at that. I bet you more weirdness abounds in One Three One, Cope's 'time-shifting gnostic hooligan road novel' which will be out shortly, with matching soundtrack to boot. Now answer that question below if you dare.

Julian Cope - Why Did The Chicken Cross My Mind

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hearty Staple

"Do you like the bread, father? said one of the farmers. I moistened it with saliva. It's good, I said, very tasty, very flavoursome, a treat for the palate, veritable ambrosia, pride of our agriculture, hearty staple of our hard-working farm-folk, mmm, nice..." That's from the book I'm currently enjoying, the late great Roberto BolaƱo's By Night In Chile. And while we're on the subject of bread, here's the wild Action 13 from Nigeria. "We are not blaming anybody, we are not not putting any people down, we are just sending this good message..."

Action 13 - More Bread To The People

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ladies In The Dark

A fine little moodpiece, postpunk style. "The sun won't have eyes for her again..."

The Raincoats - Only Loved At Night

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Two Choices

"Either you're crawling back in the bed and pull the world over your head... or: start walking..." Hard-hitting, early seventies street funk by the one and only Queen Esther. Check yourself!

Esther Marrow - Walk Tall