For The Sake Of The Song will be out of the loop for a short while, as we´re busy moving house. Our new headquarters are only 5 minutes away as the crow flies, but it still means that everything - including my music collection and my trusted iMac - will have to be boxed up for a short while. So bear with me, dear reader. I´ll do my best to be back online asap.
In the meantime, here are some songs with a Spanish flavour for you, as I´m glad I can continue to call this amazing country home. I´ve been living in Barcelona for nearly four years now, and I can´t think of any place I´d rather be.
Bob Dylan tells us that Spanish is the loving tongue, in a passionate live version recorded on 11 May ´76 in San Antonio, Texas, during the second leg of the Rolling Thunder Revue. Adios, mi corazon... El Vez, the Mexican Elvis, admits he´s never been to Spain (his loss), while the way underrated Kevin Coyne paints a hilarious picture of tourists in search of some southern sunshine. ´That waiter looks suspicious...´ Great stuff.
Finally, for some genuine Spanish sentiment, there´s El Camarón De La Isla, the greatest flamenco singer ever in my book. Soy Grande Por Ser Gitano features the great Paco De Lucia on guitar, while Arte Y Majestad is dedicated to Curro Romero, the legendary bullfighter from Seville. Olé! Agua!
Got to go now, as some guy named Pepe is ready to start disconnecting cables. Back soon, I promise!
Bob Dylan - Spanish Is The Loving Tongue (live ´76) MP3
El Vez - Never Been To Spain MP3
Kevin Coyne - This Is Spain MP3
El Camarón De La Isla - Soy Grande Por Ser Gitano MP3
El Camarón De La Isla - Arte Y Majestad MP3